Welcome to Episode 11 of the Sales Influencer Series, where we interview leaders on the cutting edge of sales and marketing. 

Our guest for this episode is Ilan Ferdman, Co-Founder of SatoriPrime and an all-around incredible guy on who offers one of the most unique, compelling interviews we've had yet in this series. The overarching theme of this episode: Psychology. Namely, how to master your own and understand your prospective buyer's mentality at a sub-atomic level.

Ep 11: Better Business thru Psychology

Whether you're in sales and marketing, you traffic daily in a game that's pure psychology. Between clock punches, the battle for success gets waged not in the sales bullpen, but in the annals of your brain.

Everyone knows the value of high IQ -- problem solving skills, spatial awareness and so forth. But emotional intelligence -- the ability to master one's own emotions and influence the emotions of others -- is where you can unlock new levels of personal and professional growth.

Ilan himself is an example.  A successful business owner, accomplished sales professional and master marketer, he attacks every topic -- be it cold calling, inbound marketing or changing a career path -- by drilling down into the elemental forces that determine failure or success.

I encourage you to check out SatoriPrime's Performance Enhancing Podcasts and to reach out if you need help with your own inbound lead machine.

If you find Ilan's approach to professional development compelling, I also urge you to check out my interview with Ilan's contemporary, Scott Britton

As much as I loathe the term 'thought leader', it truly applies to both Scott and Ilan. Of the 13 influencers we've featured (including Scott and Dionne Mischler - who both preceded this series), Ilan and Scott stand out as having the most magnetic personalities and sheer presence in our conversations. 

Advancements in technology and analytics tend to dominate the greater conversation around sales and marketing. But go through our interviews with Scott, Ilan, John BarrowsMatt Heinz and even the Sales Hacker himself, Max Altschuler, and you'll see one theme dominate all else -- mastering one's emotional intelligence. Those gentlemen represent the new vanguard of the sales and marketing professions. And we're all the better for it.

About Ilan Ferdman

Ilan Ferdman is a serial entrepreneur and a passionate personal development coach. From 2004 to 2011 he spent his time in the finance world growing a $500k investment to just over $100 Million in Assets Under Management.

Unfortunately, the financial crisis of 2008 took it’s toll on his finance career and in 2011 Ilan was left searching for what’s next.

Later that year Ilan joined forces with his brother, Guy, to form SatoriPrime, and they’ve been on a mission ever since to break down the walls to what entrepreneurs from all over the world believe is possible in their lives. In that process, they’ve helped thousands of people discover their true talents, and cash in on their passions.

Ilan has invested the past 13 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to immerse himself in the arts of applied psychology, marketing and sales.  Ilan’s greatest skill is listening (although some would say it’s talking).  His ability to listen and pinpoint your and/or your business’ deepest want or need is precisely what makes him so sought after. 

The Sales Influencer Series Library

To check out further episodes and see why CloserIQ has ranked the Sales Influencer Series as one of the very best sales podcasts of 2016, just click on the links below. 

Episode 1. John Barrows

Episode 2. Lori Richardson

Episode 3. Max Altschuler

Episode 4. Matt Heinz

Episode 5. Mark Leslie

Episode 6. Kyle Porter

Episode 7. Jon Bradford

Episode 8. Eks Anderson

Episode 9. Matt Hottle

Episode 10. Heather Morgan

Episode 11. Ilan Ferdman

​Episode 12. Ryan Jenkins

Episode 13. Tamara Schenk​

Episode 14. Mike Weinberg

Episode 15. Scott Britton

Episode 16. Mark Kosoglow

Episode 17. Dionne Mischler

Episode 18. Ken Barton

Episode 19. Kevin Karner

Episode 20. Jill Rowley

Episode 21. Brandon Redlinger

Episode 22. Will Wickey

Episode 23. Drew Woodcock

Episode 24. Dail Wilson

Episode 25. Nathan Sexton

Episode 26. Tucker Max

Episode 27. Bruce Tulgan

Episode 28. Dallas Hogensen

Episode 29. Morgan J. Ingram

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