
Recognize Reps and Celebrate Key Milestones in Real-Time

Meetings set and closed/won deals don't happen out of the blue. Reps expect to be incentivized and recognized for good work—it comes with the territory. In response, revenue leaders often fall into one of two encouragement categories: 1.) they encourage their reps too frequently and don't link the praise to specific achievements or 2.) they fail to encourage their reps at all. To gain balance, the most important optimization you can make as a leader is to automate encouragement and diversify the ways you gamify sales and motivate your reps.

Encouragement Value Center

Take a Layered Approach to Effectively Encourage Your Sales Reps

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Motivate with Contests

Gamify sales and implement friendly and fun competitions to hit goals

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Automate Awareness

Showcase success via Leaderboards, Accolades, and Rewards that are broadcast across the team

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Recognize Good Work

Celebrate your team in real-time when objectives are met or acitivities completed

Greater Than the Sum

Understand how the four pillars of Rep Performance Managements work together to create a cohesive experience for frontline sales managers.
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Diversify Your Gamification Strategy

Sales gamification is not one-size-fits-all. Head-to-head competitions, team-based contests, spiffs, digital clubs and awards can be used in tandem to motivate and engage the various personalities on your team. With Ambition's encouragement toolset, you'll see a boost in sales activity but, more importantly, meaningful peer-to-peer interactions as reps compete, cheer each other on, and analyze what the top performers do to win. With a diversified gamification strategy, you'll elevate your reps' long-term performance as they optimize their approach for short-term gains.

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Save Time Creating Competitions

A key benefit of a software solution focused on encouragement is the automation that comes with competitions and spiffs. According to The Total Economic Impact (TEI) of Ambition, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester consulting, sales managers experience a 96% decrease in time spent setting up and running competitions. Without automations, managers spend 20 minutes per day on this task—and with automations, only 1 minute per day.

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Watch Reps Take Ownership

Accountability not only benefits the sales leader—accountability, and clear expectation, benefits your reps. Employees expect direction and have a desire to achieve goals. With visibility into work-to-do and work complete, reps proudly take ownership of the job. The true power of scale unfolds when leaders set great targets and goals and empower reps and their teams to hold each other accountable.

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butler raines
"People are encouraged in different ways. Some like competition or appearing on top of a leaderboard. Others like a personal note from an executive or just doing their personal best. Automating encouragement is the key to fulfilling these various needs."
- Butler Raines, VP of Product, Ambition