
Turn Sales Activity Data into Metric-Driven Coaching

Improve productivity, spark valuable coaching conversations, and recognize good performance by surfacing Cisco call reporting metrics in Ambition with our out-of-the-box integration.
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Track Call Data for More Meaningful Coaching

Real-time call metrics from Cisco will automatically populate in Ambition to show you where your reps stand in relation to their daily and weekly goals. Visualize whose inbound and outbound call activities are converting in the productivity quadrant, keep reps focused on the right activities with metric-driven scorecards, and spot issues in real time so you know exactly who needs coaching to get back on track.

Integrate Ambition with Cisco

Improve Productivity by Recognizing Good Work

Benchmark Cisco call metrics in Ambition and set alerts to notify you when someone hits their activity or objective score. You can broadcast those wins publicly to congratulate the rep and reinforce what good performance looks like. This will increase motivation across your team and encourage everyone to work towards individual and collective goals more efficiently.

Integrate Ambition with Cisco