sales contest team setup

OppLoans Checklist for Lasting Results:

  • Know your why! What's the ultimate goal you're trying to achieve? Think bigger than motivation and consider how you can leverage contests to drive lasting performance change.

  • Get the team engaged: Encouraged team names and team logos to keep it fun and engage remote team members!

  • Increase Visibility: Share the progress updates to the wider team, execs, and in slack! Whatever it takes to keep the conversation going. 

  • Drive lasting results: Keep the managers and reps held accountable to the new level of achievement. 

For the Winner's Guide To Sales Contests, click HERE!

When deciding how to get Q3 started, OppLoans chose to focus the customer advocate teams' attention on Available Time which is a key metric that measures % of time in a week the team is Available to make and receive calls. The simple goal was to drive a meaningful and lasting impact on this one metric. 

Setting it up:

“We created the contest and encouraged each manager team to pick fun names and logos. It was an easy way to engage the team in a fun team building activity which can be challenging in these remote times,” shared Amit Sane, senior director of customer operations.

“The goal was to increase the average. We ran the contest for long enough that it actually changed the expectation from the managers and it changed the team members’ drive to hit that number. Even though it was only a month-long contest, it actually changed the culture of the team.

During the Competition:

The competition was fierce throughout the entire month so the managers maintained the enthusiasm by posting daily updates to Slack and challenging the other teams. On weekly team meetings, managers maintained focus on the numbers and encouraged comradery. We succeeded as a team. 

The Lasting impact:

We never went back to the level we were at prior to the contest. We still haven’t dropped back to that previous level. The competition really helped teams understand the value of the metric and how it is critical to our customer service, shared Patrick Ford, customer operations manager. 



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