Another week and another exciting release from the Ambition product team! 

This week we’re releasing a series of major updates and additional flexibility in our product to support Remote Sales Management and sales leaders leveraging Slack to manage their sales teams (remember, home is the new HQ!). 

Remote Work and Work-From-Home have made managing (and Coaching) teams more challenging.  

Pre-Covid, most sales leaders relied on in-person interaction, the din of the sales floor, or occasional face to face meetings to manage and develop their teams. Ambition believes in a Work from Home world we have to maximize the impact of our coaching interactions and create a system of remote sales coaching. 

Which is why we’re so focused on delivering for our customer needs and continue to rapidly release new and improved tools for sales managers to coach their teams. 

In simple terms, we believe Ambition is the System of Record for sales management - combining insights, behavior change, and a system for metric based sales coaching. All in one. Completely powered by data.

Here are a few major new updates coming to Ambition this week: 

🚨 Magically Send Coaching Notes 📑  from Slack to a rep's Coaching Timeline 🚨

This is fun and exciting new high impact feature. If you've been following these updates recently, you know that we believe that Remote Sales Management means sellers and sales leaders are undergoing a rapid evolution of "how" we work. For many "Home is the new HQ", and leveraging Ambition to get insights and maximize rep performance is key - wherever you're working. 

By allowing sales managers and leaders to quickly use a slash command in Slack, and create a private or public note quickly that is saved to a sales rep's Coaching Timeline in Ambition, managers can spend less time navigating tabs or different systems. The next time they have a review or a 1:1 Check-In, the note they created will be there for both parties to reference and create an Action Plan. 

short slash command note










This has been a major request by our customers who are leveraging Slack continually and utilizing Ambition as their system of record for sales rep performance. So fire up the new slash command and create some notes for more clear, recurring feedback to your team! 

Customizable Rating Categories for Coaching Sessions ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Check-Ins (or 1:1s) run in Ambition are critical for rep development and holding your teams accountable to accurate sales forecasts and on target sales metrics.

Now, your org can customize Check-In Rating “Categories” to the priority skills/ development criteria your team is focused on. Ratings create a data-trail and insights from Coaching in Ambition that can be referenced later or even used for performance evaluations. 

Custom ratings are a simple and effective way to set measurable expectations from your coaching sessions. 

(Learn more about setting up and creating Categories for Check-Ins here)

Customize Check-In Ratings

Updated Styling and Improved Usability 😍😍😍

Ambition's Coaching programs, text editing/ commenting, and even dashboard views are all receiving a series of usability updates and a slightly fresh coat of paint! We love a new look - but don't worry - you'll still be able to find what you're looking for and follow the same pathways through the product. You'll just find those insights cleaner and more visually appealing😉! 

As always, stay tuned for more in two weeks, and happy selling! 

Your organization may not have every Ambition package enabled, so if you want to learn more about expanding your use of Coaching in Ambition or enable our robust Slack integration, please reach out to your CSM or

Ready to start getting the most out of your sales coaching programs today? Schedule a brief demo today.

Change your sales culture with metric-based coaching & more rep engagement.

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